Toi Labs created the TrueLoo Smart Toilet Seat to identify abnormal waste patterns. The TrueLoo uses scientific imaging instrumentation and artificial intelligence combined with physician-supervised human review to automate the documentation of waste and augment care provided to users.


Privacy protocols have been created to ensure privacy is maintained at all times through the data collection process. 

  1. The TrueLoo imaging system faces down into the toilet bowl and is designed specifically to scan stool and urine, and does NOT capture any body parts.
  2. User information is completely de-identified, from data capture to analysis. 
  3. The seat itself does not carry the name or location of the user.
  4. All de-identified data is stored internally – none of the data that is viewed or utilized is associated with any sort of identifier, and is completely anonymized. 

Secure servers and connections allow reports to only be shared with onsite care teams tasked with caring for the user. The reports can be shared with outside care partners (such as physicians) or families.

Toi Labs’ team members review and validate reports in order to ensure compliance of privacy protocols, and offer the best service and care to users. 

Questions Surrounding Privacy:

  1. How does the TrueLoo system ensure that body parts are not being captured?

The TrueLoo imaging system faces down into the toilet bowl and is designed specifically to scan stool and urine, not to capture genitalia or other body parts. 

To do so, the system has defined a privacy zone (i.e., space within the toilet that is not imaged). Investigations have shown that the privacy zone depends upon the location and parameters of the image sensor as well as the toilet itself. By adjusting the size of the image being captured, one can adjust the size and effectiveness of the privacy zone. Toi Labs’ approach provides a quantitative and objective method of improving the effectiveness of the privacy zone. Additionally, the algorithms and software screen for potential private body parts captured, and eliminates these images so as to not violate the privacy of the users.

  1. How does the TrueLoo system ensure that resident’s information and privacy is secured?

Information is  not identifiable upon capture. Multiple protocols are in place throughout data capture to ensure that the data remains completely de-identified. 

No TrueLoo seat or its data is directly linked to a resident’s name or room number. This information is secured internally and is only utilized when providing reports to care teams. Otherwise, all data that is captured and uploaded is de-identified and anonymized. 

Secure servers and connections allow reports to only be shared with onsite care teams tasked with caring for the user. Upon the authorization of the user or their responsible party, the reports can be shared with outside care partners or families as they see fit. The reports are not distributed to anyone outside of the circle of care of the user.

  1. How do I know that Toi Labs will not sell or misuse the data it collects?

Toi Labs is contractually restricted to use the data it collects in the following ways: (1) to deliver information and reports to its customers, including care staff; (2) enhance or improve its system; and (3) disclose data solely in aggregate or other de-identified form in connection with its business. This means that Toi Labs cannot sell personal or identifiable information about TrueLoo users to anyone, including insurance or marketing companies.

Further questions can be directed to